Monster Slipper

Customer Tom Boddingham received this size 1,450 monster foot after a ‘clerical error’.

Makes me wonder how it got paid for. If I were to see such a thing in a department store, perhaps as a novelty sleeping bag, I wouldn’t be surprised to see it costing several hundred dollars. But surely Mr. Boddingham wouldn’t agree to pay several hundred dollars for a slipper. (Or maybe he would, if it were a customized orthopedic job?) Maybe he’d agree to pay around, say, the equivalent of fifty dollars U.S.

But I would think that the factory in Hong Kong wouldn’t agree to making something worth several hundred dollars and be paid only fifty dollars.

So, how did this slipper get made?

And, can I have one too?

Someone should alert the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization.

Million-dollar typos cause worldwide losses

We mustn’t fail to mention Fats’ take on the matter.

There were four of us: me, your big feet, and YOU.

(Previous post in which I referenced this Waller performance.)

OK, this is stretching this thought chain to near breaking, but what about the Salish Sea human foot discoveries, in British Columbia? Some of those feet have been identified.

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