Haunted Laundry Machine?

I had added this as a mere addendum to the earlier post about The Mangler (one of my most favorite short stories by Stephen King), but it was so striking that I must give it its own post.

Video: Five-Year-Old Rescued From Washing Machine

Quote from the video:

Surprisingly, that machine was out of order. “And I haven’t been able to run it since, and I haven’t been able to run it just before.”

Man, that’s spooky. Brrrrrrrrh.

Now all we need is for them to release grainy black-and-white surveillance footage from a CCTV (no audio) showing the child apparently talking to some… thing… inside the laundry machine, and then climbing into the machine, seemingly hypnotized. Grotesque arms or tentacles reach out of the machine to help the child in. (The video said that the machine was high enough that the child would have had difficulty climbing into it. At least, unassisted.)

Then the door closes by itself. Furtively, without slamming.

Then the machine turns itself on.

There are adults in the background, but their backs are turned or they’re busy measuring detergent or folding laundry. So nobody notices anything amiss. The sound of a washing machine starting up wouldn’t have been out of the ordinary in a laundromat.

When interviewed later, in the emergency room, the child reported seeing “a little man” inside the laundry machine.

The story as it appeared in The Wenatchee World on November 7: Child injured in laundry mishap

And as it appeared on the KVUE website the following day: Mother rescues 5-year-old girl trapped in washing machine

“Have you ever wondered if that laundry machine you told me about is haunted, Johnny?”

— Quote from The Mangler

Previous post on spooky laundry rooms.

Addendum (4/2/12): 1-year-old Ore. boy drowns in washing machine

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  1. […] (12/18/11: This one was so striking that I was compelled to give it its own post.) […]

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